Cloninger Ford of Salisbury

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Tire Repair near me

Tire Repair near Salisbury, NC

If you get a flat tire you may be wondering if you should get it repaired or replaced. There’s a good change your tire can be fixed, and our dealership is here to help. At Cloninger Ford, we want to help drivers in the Salisbury, Kannapolis, Lexington, and Mooresville areas get reliable tire repairs.

Read more to learn about our repair services and when you can get your tire fixed rather than replaced.

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Our Tire Repair Center

Tire Repair near Salisbury, NCAt our tire repair center, we’ll repair any damage that’s been inflicted to your wheels, so you can hit the road in no time. Getting a flat tire can keep you off the road but at our dealership, we aim to make repairing them a quick an easy process.

Our team of technicians will provide friendly and fast service, so you can have your car driving great as soon as possible. We’ll be happy to inspect your treads thoroughly, so we can provide comprehensive maintenance on your wheels.

The team at our repair center is dedicated to making sure you can get the appropriate fixes for your maintenance needs. We are happy to go over what is necessary for getting back on the road so you can be achieve peace of mind knowing your vehicle’s needs.

The Benefits of Tire Repair

When you choose to have your tires repaired, you can avoid having to replace them by simply having them fixed up. This is a great way to get back to driving quickly as you don’t need to wait for an entirely new tire to be installed. You can also avoid a more expensive bill with a small repair to the tire’s tread.

Our repair services aim to give drivers an opportunity to apply small fixes for small amounts of damage to their wheel for a simple repair process. Simply come to us and we’ll take a look at the damage, so we can assess how the problem can be fixed.

When to Have Your Tires Repaired

Tire Repair Service near Salisbury, NCAfter you get a flat tire, you will want to see if it can be repaired. Our tire repairs are available to help drivers clear up simple punctures to the wheel, so you can avoid having to fully replace them. Many times, these punctures will appear as nails already imbedded inside the tread itself.

If your tire has been damaged from a collision or there is tire rot along the sidewall, that is when a replacement may be in order. Maintaining the threading of the tire is important when making sure your wheels can still be driven around.

Visit Our Comprehensive Tire Repair Center

If you have a small puncture on your tire, there’s no need to have it replaced, we’ll fix it up and have you back on the road as quickly as possible. The tire repair center at Cloninger Ford is here to help drivers in the Salisbury, Kannapolis, Lexington, and Mooresville areas feel good on the road.

If you’re in need of service for your tires, schedule an appointment with us online or over the phone today!

Contact Us

Cloninger Ford of Salisbury

511 Jake Alexander Blvd. South
Salisbury, NC 28147
Driving Directions
Sales 704-828-0015
Service 704-828-0021
Parts 704-828-0013
Body Shop 704-633-9321
Monday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Friday 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Thursday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Friday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Thursday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Friday 7:30AM - 6:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed